Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sample Community Service Record

Management by objectives Management Plan

Question I have heard that companies should make the year's strategic plan in October or November last year. As that date approached, I wondered how to do it in my pharmacy

With competition and the uncertain economic and legislative situation, one must anticipate a future in which no doubt will change our situation. The pharmacy should plan their development through practical approach based on business objectives, strategy development and monitoring of results. For this reason, and like all businesses, the pharmacy must have a management plan developed (Marketing Plan).
This plan was carried out between October and December last year and is developing the following steps:
1. Internal and external analysis for the year ended (sales, competition, public, staff, operations). Reflection of the reality of the pharmacy to enable the company better understand and overcome weaknesses, exploit opportunities, enhance strengths and overcome the threats.
2. Calculate the sales forecast next year. This means translating the pharmacy sales for next year (monthly and category), in mathematical trend is produced by the inertia of the market.
3. Raise sales targets (monthly and category). Goals should be measurable, concrete (specific) time-bound and difficult but attainable. These objectives will lead to growth over the forecast previously estimated, based on a strategy defined below.
4. Define strategies to achieve the objectives. The strategies are the way in which the organization (pharmacy) will invest its resources to achieve the objective. For example, promote training of employees, enhance marketing, launching a new customer service or improve merchandising.
5. Planning and program actions to be taken in time. At this stage it is a calendar of 2009, detailing all actions to develop the strategies defined. That is, all scheduled tasks aimed, in the context of a defined strategy to achieve a defined goal in time.
6. Selection of leaders, programs and execution times of each scheduled action. The person or persons responsible have sufficient training and authority to perform its intended function.
7. Quantify costs of actions and integrated into the operating account of the pharmacy.
8. Check that the benefit derived to achieve its objectives (taking into account the additional costs involved in the strategy defined) are superior to those achieved in forecasting sales point 2.
9. Identification of control elements (control) which, through key indicators, allow time to assess the degree of implementation of the objectives. There may be economic indicators of activity, staff, customers and exposure. The control panel allows you to react in time against possible deviations from the target and execute contingency plans.

entire management plan must be in writing and communicated to the computer (at least at the level of strategies and plans), which will allow staff management by objectives, delegating and sharing responsibilities. KEY

The strategic plan should answer the following questions:
• I want to do next year.
• How will I do it.
• WHEN I'm going to do.
• Who will do it.
• MUCH it will cost.
• How am I going to control.

Luis de la Fuente
Mediformplus Managing Partner of
luis.delafuente @