Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Abortions At Montreal Hospitals

This is the story (or so my father started all the stories that filled my nights dreams) of a cowardly lion who was raised among sheep, and when the wolf was about to eat his mother decided she wanted to be brave and, like a lamb, he urged on his head and commanded the wolf far away.

(The text is original and is copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hindi Invit€ation


"I have intention to implement a logo in my pharmacy. Is it really important? "

In asking what are the elements that distinguish" my pharmacy "from the rest, perhaps the most significant is undoubtedly the image we convey to the outside. Pharmacies increasingly look to differentiate and provide the public with recognized identity. Times behind us and that all pharmacies offering the same products and services to the public. And like it or not, strategic marketing is increasingly present in everyday of our pharmacies. For more times a person read the name of a pharmacy, not able to assimilate if there is nothing in it that distinguishes it from competition. A logo that stands out from the rest by being different will be remembered easily by the public. In short, it is much easier to remember than the names of a person. Each pharmacy has to find its symbol.
Every time someone passes in front of our pharmacy we are sending messages, but neither they nor us are aware of this process. Depending on how it is perceived, create a mental impression when through the door: an old pharmacy, traditional or modern ... or a health space. Depending on the footprint
perceptive, the consumer will be more or less permeable to communication and, therefore, the council and for sale.
functionality of a logo is its ability to communicate within the environment in which they will be implemented, this requires the use of colors and shapes that help the end user given a positive interpretation.
The logo will be present in any interaction between the pharmacy and the customer, before and during the sale, while using the product and possibly the beginning of the next cycle. The logo may affect this process, facilitating or hindering. Hence the importance of paying close attention to the design of public image, so that is attractive and professional can identify and remember.
Pharmacies have so much to do not consider an appropriate logo design as a priority. However, do not see that this lack of attention they may have unfavorable consequences in the future because there is no corporate identity logo with which a pharmacy can differentiate and highlight against its competition. No logo, no sense of belonging to a group or for customers or for the pharmacy team. Please note
in developing
• Simple logo. One of the golden rules is based on the simpler (fewer forms, fewer colors), the better. A simple logo is easier to remember, cheaper printing and easier to combine.
• Original. While there are fads that tip designs in some ways, it is advisable to have a logo completely different style from other pharmacies, otherwise it will not help to differentiate from the competition. An original logo design will help to provide the pharmacy of a novel and attractive brand image.
• Practical. The logo can be reproduced in a variety of materials (paper, cloth, plastic, glass, etc.). Should allow enlargement and reduction, and representation in gray and black and white, while retaining its legibility and without losing the detail.
• Consistent. A good design logo must be consistent with the rest of the image of pharmacy. Keep a consistent color palette and a specific aesthetic contribute to the success of their applications.
• Tailored to your audience. The logo must fit the target audience in terms of aesthetics, content, colors, etc.. Each profile consumer and child, adolescent or adult, for example, require special handling and visual content tailored to consumer preferences.
• Professional. A professional graphic design conveys a sense of safety and soundness that extends to the pharmacy emblem logo.
• Transcendent. It is interesting to note that the logo does not go out of fashion quickly. The design can be modern without being too 'fashion', and thus avoid having to redesign too soon. It is often tempting to have a logo design to display current time, but the problem is that the logo goes out of style quickly. That means that the logo has to be constantly redesigned.
• Flexible with the media. Who is the target? Where does it show the logo? On stationery, business cards, monthly campaigns, advice leaflets, outdoor signage, posters, etc., The logo should convey the same message no matter where is placed. KEY

• Use few colors, one or two. If you use more it will be more expensive at the time of printing.
• The colors you choose should highlight the ways of the logo.
• must be combined so as to highlight and draw attention to the logos side competition.
• Must be able to apply color or black and white logo without losing momentum, because what we find on photocopies, faxes, etc.
• A good combination might be that of a vibrant color with a vibrant not because the contrasts are a great way to make a big visual impact. • Use colors defined
, plans, without gradients.
• The colors chosen should be able to reproduce mainly under the Pantone color mode.
• logos with little variety of colors work more effectively on the Internet, to the visual saturation presented by this medium.
• Select the right colors according to the personality of the pharmacy. Each color creates different feelings and ideas.

José Manuel Taboada