Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Indian Sari Blouses Designs

bubbles. Happy Birthday

grabbed his gear for another day though was bitterly cold and bones ached. He had spent two weeks sleeping on a bench, his days were far behind Hostel. What little winning was all meant to buy some food and the blanket that was always with him.

was placed in the center of the square, opened the bottle of soap and soaking a rope in it and moving it began to create bubbles of all sizes and shapes. At first few people stood around the bubbles but soon caught the attention of children who passed by and looked at him dumbfounded, and with them their parents.

In that moment he forgot all his troubles and was glad to make someone happy even if just a moment ..

(both photography and text are original and are copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)


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