Monday, January 19, 2009

What To Write To When Someone Had A Baby

Once I saw a short film that gave me a clear vision of what love really was. In it a drop of rain fell in love with a rose.
is true, it was an impossible love, and it was love.

For me love is like a small plant. At first we just need a seed that is watered daily, a friendship can be watered every day with stories, laughter, joy, talks ..
If seed is watered it too much stays in a seed and if you have drought breaks down and disappears, but if you water in the right as soon begins to sprout stems.

These stems are the most delicate and yet the most beautiful to watch. Any gust of wind or too much wind can break but if you know how to look fondly twigs become stronger. This is the best part, the stage of infatuation.
Once entrenched these branches, no matter how strong the wind blows or it rains one day it will be impossible to break. Love is, without doubt, a small tree.
(Both the photo and text are original and are copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)


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