Sunday, November 16, 2008

South Park Streaming With Subtitle

had a couple of years without passing a "happy birthday", and this has broken the losing streak.

Many thanks to all who participated and made of a normal day something special and unforgettable. Happy
20 for me!

(The picture is original and has copyright, its use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Low Alt Low White Ang High Mono

Someone who wanted so, so .. Autumn Waves

This is the story of someone who wanted so much, barely room for your heart. Each passing day, with every feeling of love his heart grew in size. At first it was imperceptible, but little by little, inch by inch it was bigger.

Its owner, as usual, I was scared to death. I was afraid that one day explode into a thousand pieces. One morning upon awakening looked in the mirror and saw the large bulge protruding from his chest and vowed not to love anyone anymore, and avoid a catastrophe. But of course, for someone used to love so much was very difficult to leave at once, so I decided to go for parties. Or for people? Not decided.

When hit the streets around the world tried to stop to say hello and he avoided to anyone who crossed his path. So do not show signs of affection. The day was getting longer, the minutes just spent and every second turned into hours. The clock seemed to move. Looked several times whether they were batteries that had been spent, but no, the clock work as well as ever.

Full of despair went home, despite being the first day of summer and the thousands of festivals celebrating the neighbors in the streets. That night he felt a great pain in his big heart and was frightened more than ever. But had to stop wanting to die. The nightmares just let him sleep that night.

The next morning, look in the mirror again. Was very bad, the bulk of his heart was still there and it was suggested more strongly than ever to follow with your plan. Did not show love anyone as much as I needed it or around it.

Over time the neighbors began to despise him, did not understand what had changed and the great sacrifice he made. They did not understand that he only did so to save his heart. Every morning it looked worse that covered all the mirrors, was a rare night that I could sleep and every day more heart ached.

One evening, late Autumn decided to remove the sheet covering the mirror of his room. Was surprised to look the way that she almost fainted. His heart was not increased on the contrary had declined so much that if he would be without him. Do not know what to do what he did was wrong and just on the verge of death.

That night was the worst, he could see beyond the few candles that lit the darkness of his mansion, but made a decision. If you had to die of something to go with the biggest heart you may have. So he changed. Months passed and spring came, and with it a new lump in her breast. I was scared, I could not deny but at least I had a great satisfaction.

Until the day came that his heart had no hole. Had the hours that were to explode and left to lay off his friends before it was too late. Among many hugs and kisses the heart more than doubled and a large "ohh!" of those present began to raise his owner, like a helium balloon. Flying all the people went through what the people say? The whole country! And was surprised when he found more balloons as floating in the air.

(The text is original and has copyright, its use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Petsmart Teeth Cleaning Cost

Question I have three employees at my pharmacy and I do not work properly. There are times when we are at top and others do nothing. Also, never take responsibility for anything. Answer

The optimal internal organization of the pharmacy is becoming increasingly important. The pharmacy usually has a poor organization of workers, everyone does everything. Before we could afford certain luxuries, but now we are in crisis
pharmacy employees should stop work on their own to work in teams, with divisions of tasks, responsibilities and incentives for work well done. This is what is called management by objectives, and is the system used in modern business management staff.
The process for implementing management by objectives has three phases: Phase 1

. Th: Manual of organization:
● Definition of the main tasks performed in the pharmacy (ordering, prescription, dispensing, storage, etc.).. The more tasks are detailed, the better the organization of the pharmacy.
● If the task is complex, it should detail the procedure to run it (PNT). ●
then have to prioritize the importance of each task (1 high priority, 3 the lowest priority) to avoid that in moments of doubt, are doing the most important.
● The next point is to write the frequency of performance (daily, weekly, monthly) for each task and the ideal time or need to run (keeping staff time when idle)
● The last point of this phase is Critical analysis of each task, indicating the proper execution thereof. For example, in the receipt of orders for stock will be out of position in the recipes can be the number of returns or order the number of absences or turnover.

Phase 2. ยช: Allocation of responsibilities to employees:
● Depending on the employee profile (To distribute the work so tailored to the strengths of each of them, defines who is responsible for each task.) Since you have three employees, each job can have a first charge and a second charge (so that there is always someone who will do this). ●
each manager is explained procedures, importance and frequency of performing the tasks. ●
arise based improvement goals defined critical points in the previous phase.

Phase 3. Th: Encourage the worker to perform responsibly and effectively the tasks assigned to it:
● Through a plan of incentives that reward quality work now can be measured. This incentive can be about 5-10% of fixed salary of the worker. ● Leading
workers in a professional, so they know what is expected of them and if they are doing well:
- With monthly meetings to analyze their work.
- Making them feel that their work is essential for the evolution of pharmacy. KEY

Management by objectives: ● Define written
Organization Manual internal pharmacy. ● Name
responsible for each job and control points of the effectiveness of its implementation. ●
personal motivation.

Luis de la Fuente
Mediformplus Managing Partner of
luis.delafuente @

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Methed Of Masterbutation

Not all waves are the same, but always returns the same to you. It's the same water, the sea itself, the same ocean. So do not cry because you wave to come is going, because each new wave remains the same as you first embraced.

(both photography and text are original and are copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How To Make Uhf & Vhf Balun

. Sunday

I have fall in my hands.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nepali Songs With Lyrics And Chords


I watched from afar crying in a doorway. People looked at you with curiosity but with enough distance to avoid committing to a look of yours to reply to yours.
your tears seemed strange, even unbelievable. A beautiful autumn afternoon. More than later, and one night in the cold, yes, but a cold feeling that you like. Roasted chestnuts in the streets. Smell of incense. Lights.
And I cried again, not to feel the courage of principle. For fear of relapse. Mourn watching from afar. Not you, but me.
is strange and hard that feeling of being alone when your mind makes you feel that way. Still, I love the back to reality and see that loneliness is something that rarely occurs (especially if you're you). Thanks for making me get my feet on the ground the Sunday afternoons of sadness.
(both photography and text are original and are copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)