Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nepali Songs With Lyrics And Chords


I watched from afar crying in a doorway. People looked at you with curiosity but with enough distance to avoid committing to a look of yours to reply to yours.
your tears seemed strange, even unbelievable. A beautiful autumn afternoon. More than later, and one night in the cold, yes, but a cold feeling that you like. Roasted chestnuts in the streets. Smell of incense. Lights.
And I cried again, not to feel the courage of principle. For fear of relapse. Mourn watching from afar. Not you, but me.
is strange and hard that feeling of being alone when your mind makes you feel that way. Still, I love the back to reality and see that loneliness is something that rarely occurs (especially if you're you). Thanks for making me get my feet on the ground the Sunday afternoons of sadness.
(both photography and text are original and are copyright use without consent and without naming the author pose an immediate demand)


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