Monday, February 28, 2011

Quotes About Chapstick And Love


Almería March 1, 2011


As Rguez-Carretero Laura Romera annoys me that after more than 275 years of "competent authority" is still carrying on a as arrogant and insensitive. Circle
a leaflet which includes the events in the town of Ohanes (Almería) in relation to a beam in disrepair, the story is published in the journal flutter her for some, is to tell the village schoolmaster as of March 15, 1734 wrote to the mayor stating "the concern that makes you see a broken beam in the class runs, it is split by", and politely asked the mayor to "put a stop to this if it wants something terrible happens. "

To this the Mayor replied "I receive with great surprise that the office has seen fit to address and I hasten to answer" the November 28 of that year (eight months later) stating that "It is unusual that the agents of my authority I have not noticed anything regarding the beam, and moreover, I doubt that is in those conditions." Affirming that "there are only excuses and pretexts for not giving blow" threatening in this manner "and eye, that his deception he would be another six years without receiving the 500 actual salary." On November 29 the teacher replied proficient or two people asking to come the same "taking a walk" to testify what was said.

But the mayor on 15 October 1735 (one year) tells the teacher, that if the job does not suit you to leave and to "appoint a commission to report on the issue of the beam, and if it appears that you have deceived me, sa fallen", 15 May 1736 (8 months) experts come accompanied by the clerk, indicating the report of the same date as the beam "has not moved, has Bajao only about ten or twelve deos, only to fall, but never together with the ground crushing which take into "The issue concludes that, as stated by the chronicler of the town on 14 October 1740" being twelve of their morning, collapsed the roof of the hall of the School in this town, perished in the accident, Mr. Master the alphabet, Don Zeno Garrido Marín and fourteen children at the time gave his class. "

in Almeria on 26 January in the year of our lord 2011, I presented to the public as a candidate for mayor of Almeria and in an opinion piece entitled "So when Mr. Mayor?" In which, inter alia, reported on the status of fish bridge. UPD A few days later sent a press release in which he explained the situation of the bridge and called to close it as a precautionary measure and study its demolition or repair; dated February 7 we gave an office in the municipality in which included a dossier with 6 pages with photos injunction calling for the closure and the study of their situation.

Given the lack of response from city hall, summoned to the media on February 11 to check the status, covering the news channels and several local newspapers, and we appreciate his dedication and the opportunity to explain this matter, being Interalmeria TV which extended the story (yes, with a zero emission images of the state of the bridge), indicating that "three years ago the council asked the demolition of the bridge.

Given the lack of response of D. Luis Rogelio when we asked to see the bridge taking a walk "us people on February 20 in the demarcation of roads, we served Mr. De Ona, who tells us that "in this demarcation does not prove that the city has applied under that bridge anything" after seeing the photos submitted to the council, indicates his disappointment at the performance of the maintenance crew and informs us that will send technical teams to study the situation of that bridge.

the account of both stories just seem to be understood that similar events with different partners "To date indicate that the bridge can still be either closed or repaired or demolished and we look forward to, hope it does not happen any tragic fact that has to be collected by the present writers, that will certainly conclude that Mr. Joseph Garcia, official historian of the town at 1,740 Ohanes report concluded after the fact "has been shown that by the competent authority were taken periodically every measures to ensure the proper functioning of the holy place. "

Laura Romera R-Carter Candidate for Mayor of Almería Tel 615930880
Upyd cl.almeria @

local coordinator José Luis Raya
Almería Tel 670991244 E-mail:

Juan Moreno Prensa
Tel 651677487 E-mail:

This news can also be found at:

Facebook: Facebook
Upyd Almería: Laura R-Carretero, Upyd for Mayor of Almería
Facebook: Laura Romera R-Carretero

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tech Deck Live Skate Park Game




If at the beginning of last century and in full force of the two great economic and social philosophies, the parties were displaying these and their belief to them, today everything is relativism and semantics, in this context arises UPD as the party of ideas, not ideology.

Often citizens wonder if this or that party is right or left, the fact is that this is reminiscent of the last century in which the parties were essentially ideological, good matches could also be nationalists.

In early twentieth century, the political discussions focused on the ideological field, the two major economic theories of capitalism and socialism were in conflict and the theoretical arguments of socialism was answered by capitalism based on practical attitudes (lack of freedom, lower levels of development, etc ...) in terms of capitalism that showed his achievements as the gymnast who shows Bicet before a mirror, had to justify or distribute its achievements to avoid being criticized by the opposing party.

In this situation we have gone to games in which ideology has become a suit, a good waterproof suit that hides more than it shows, just so you can understand that Mrs Merkel, German chancellor positions with a Democrat who program, which essentially is like a social-democratic program, wins the German elections, or that parties such as Democratic Constitutional Rally (RCD) and the National Democratic Party, the first belonging to the deposed Zine el Abidine Ben Ali (president of Tunisia ) and the second to Hosni Mubarak (deposed as president of Egypt) have been sitting in the "international socialist, "or that our president with a socialist program to parliament has been distinctly capitalist laws and defense of banking laws contrary to the purchasing power of pensioners and workers, laws that cut workers' acquired rights or freedoms that reduce public or freedom of expression.

Oh and everything can not be a semantic problem (a form of speech that must be corrected or perpetuate, as we see it), not relative (such as our traditional politicians would have us believe), is a real problem, which affects real people. and that is changing, "WELFARE STATE" on the other so-called "statement of capital" and the ratios of education, health, culture, etc for other less common name, GDP, public debt, stock index, interbank, bonus malus, etc.

In this context the ideological games before have gone on to become party product, and the citizens has gone from being subject to which we had to improve their living conditions, a subject needed to remain in power, and therefore rather to raise their health, nutrition, housing, cultural, social, etc, the parties must meet their immediate needs and if possible to reduce the less expensive the better for all, good for all of them (traditional politicians) , clear, hence it is banning the snuff that sick lungs, but not ban the reality shows that sick mind, here comes good and bad sporting achievements educational attainment (more expensive and effort demanding citizens) In the Commission here is uncontrolled and poorly planned work.

In this context, born UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia), which he wrote as a companion is neither right nor left, could be explained graphically as follows:

In any case, the first thing I would stress is that not born nor left nor right, neither has a sign, a mark that requires him to vote for the PSOE or PP, or any other party, are citizens required every four years to decide who or what to bring together the efforts of all (the will, taxes, power, media ...) to ensure that citizens live better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.

freedom in this context we will participate our ideas and convince people we can and will change the system, we are not "them" who are "others" are a group of you who have stepped to change the political model, to remove politics and its practitioners, (the exercise) the privilege has been granted, the irresponsibility with which they can act, the impunity that has been invested, the demagoguery of which boast.

We are the party that can and wants politicians to retire with the same conditions as the rest of the English, the party that wants the mandates of politicians do not exceed in 8 years, that education and health to be back national (because the system is giving the worst generations formed), that prosecutors are not a puppet government that journalists are free (not subject to public or subsidized publishing.)

We are the party that wants to give back confidence in the institutions (because they seek the common good and not close to a one-click), the confidence in civil servants (because they must be responsible and capable, and subject to liability), which seeks trust as a basis for relations between citizens and these with the public and private institutions, which is not going to say " must make difficult decisions "when they only affect you, only affect the most sensitive to the most needy are the party who will not consent to destroy" the welfare state "and establishing" State Capital " , we are neither right nor left, we are Liberals, we are the tide magenta. Juan Moreno

Tel 651677487
Press Area Press and Communication Almeria

This news can also be found on Facebook
; Laura Romera
Rguez-Carretero Facebook: grouping UPyD almeria

Other information listed in : / an
Laura Romera R-Carter, Candidate for Mayor Tel 633 68 68 47 cl.almeria @
Jose Luis Raya, local coordinator and spokesperson Upyd Almeria raya.joseluis @ Tel: 670991244

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HIDDEN IN UPD, Are we right or left? Upyd


February 13, 2011 AT UPD, Are we right or left?

In UPD, we are progressive: we are not an ideological party, we are a party of ideas, we are not a dogmatic party, we are a party adoctrinal, we are not a class party, we are a party with class.

many dates does not a party colleague wrote something about whether UPD, we are right or left; and is this a question that people ask when I walk the streets hand out pamphlets on our ideas, complaints and solutions and Almeria.

That's why I want to share and leave "black on white" Unión Progreso y Democracia is neither right nor left, and I will explain in a graph with a triangle and an arrow

Seeing this, a citizen " Which is it?

first thing to understand we are not born nor left nor right, neither has a sign, a mark that requires him to vote for the PSOE and the PP, or any other party, we are citizens who must decide every four years who or what to bring together the efforts of all (the will, taxes, power, media ...) to ensure that citizens live better today than yesterday.

freedom in this context we will participate our ideas and convince people we can and will change the system, we are not "them" who are "others" are a group of you who have stepped to change the political model, to remove politics (and those who practice it, exercise) the privilege has been granted, the irresponsibility with which they can act, the impunity that has been invested, the demagoguery of making gala.

We are the party that can and wants politicians to retire the same conditions as the rest of the English, the party that wants the mandates of politicians do not exceed in 8 years, health education and re-nationals (because the system is giving the worst generations formed) that prosecutors are a puppet government that journalists are free (not subject to public or subsidized publishing)

R-Carretero Laura Romera
candidate for mayor of Almeria (UPD)
Tel-615930880 E-mail @
José Luis de la Cruz Raya local Almeria

Coordinator Tel 670991244 E-mail:

Juan Moreno
Press and Communication
Tel 651677487 Email:

This news can also be found at:

Facebook: Facebook
Upyd Almería: Laura R-Carter, Upyd for Mayor of Almería
Facebook: Laura Romera R-Carretero

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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"Celebrating the suffering or suffering the celebration? Notice

28 Next Monday, the day of all Andalusians, a live game in which opposing clubs are just two of the Andalusian with less cause for celebration if ojeamos briefly what happened in recent months.

And that is when the referee ending the match, the red lantern hung on one of the two squads. Malaga and Almeria will be discussed in fraternal duel with the mutual obligation to sink his own brother to stay afloat and get some oxygen. We speak of final primary party to keep aspirations. There are only three points, but with a view to the Bernabeu dressed the next day, the party that must be addressed as the Champions League final that never came. It would not hurt to put our video of Mr. fateful penalty from Riquelme and challenge him to repeat feat: Dear Manuel, if you take us up there, Our Apono not fail.

have not felt anything right in the heart of the hobby-white statements Pellegrini in which he expressed his desire to retire as coach of his country. Despite having tried to make them up in recent days said they would be delighted to be two and a half years training at The Rose Garden, everything will be forgotten with a win.

seems that the Chilean, as few others did not know who came to the very cradle of the unrest. If others are given the nickname "pupae", to Malaga just needs to bring the shield embroidered on the word "suffering" in bold capitals. Perhaps a more accurate slogan than honorable "Remembrance, Commitment and Faith." And it is seen and proven that there is money or not, never there will be a jellyfish that fit the nail at the end of each season.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

38 Weeks Pregnant N I Have A Bad Headace

Raúl Rentero - The shock wave
say that when you smell an ERE (Record of Employment Regulation) or go to bagpipes with the shift manager or have metaphysical aspirations in life, the first thing does is update the curriculum and have it ready, with a copy and return, with the pointer prepared in the submit button. More than anything that flies cojineras not caught us by surprise.

Although the methodology is different in form, in the mundazo, not scene, elite soccer are basically funds similar. So when a player, coach, manager or kitman (the kit-man with his honorific title) wants a change of scenery, which usually do is run. In the case of the postulate coaches usually come hand in hand as lapidary phrases like these:
  • I think I'm ready to lead a large.
  • My goal is to win titles
  • I owe everything to my country and I want to finish my career as coach.
First, as to "lead a big" is the epitaph of lime, because the coach on duty just signed for another team like the above characteristics, but handcuffed by the word sold to the weight of law, has to stop dropping the "no larger team to me that Red Bullet, FC." That comes from Manchester United and go to train Rayo Vallecano (respect is taken for granted)

The "win titles" truism is that Mr. footballer but also generally the case that Kid of the day, Champions in hand, wants to leave to other wastelands to draw up minutes of legend. Needless to say, but we all know of whom we speak.

And finally there is the feeling of patriotism, a coach, they say, can not aspire to greater glory than to be a coach of his country, Thy kingdom, and then forgets what to "lead a large" or "my goal is to win titles" if you luck, do not judge whether good or bad, to feel Chile.

And with those we breakfasted the jellyfish to view daily. That Mr. Pellegrini, which could happen, be postulated future to be coach of his country, arguing that the "ideal would be to return to Chile in a couple of years and finish my career for my country." Sure, and I am convinced, if within two years Champions Manchester plays will say "I say in the diego" and want to stay to be European boke. But just in case the descent, if the Sheikh or if in doubt, so I understand, has been nominated for the position.

Chile's new coach, Mr. Borghi, must walk happy. To see how you would set the Engineer that Marcelo Bielsa said "the ideal would be to train to Malaga in a couple of years and finish my career with a heel of the Sheikh."

Moral: Manuel, you save us the hometown and then the larger you bet. Is postulated.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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frightened Mathematical mean and the successful operation of children

Raúl Rentero - The shock wave

While the (B) estimated must go to Brazil and operated in Spain should not have specialists in the field, I spun a tic key an experiment I did not so long ago. I travel often from Valencia to Salamanca, the long avenue that is the A-3, circling Madrid generous that road, turning Galician way Guadarrama and singing and Berruecos abulensis brown. In short: 550 kms wing with the "account" gyro develop exactly in 5 hours with my spikes of 120-130 km / h and pseudonyms jams beyond the capital. Well not long ago I decided to make the journey at 90 km / hour clock, no more no less, just pure desire to annoy Repsol & Co. Fine ... How long does it take? Exactly 5 hours. Yes, you read it correctly. Same thing. Is the key to savvy traveler who knows more than anyone else mean. In the distance, not the Lycra, it is understood. And the math is clear: it does not matter, medium and willing to make changes, winning one match and losing two match three. The journey is the same. Even the swings are the same. And we all know.

Everyday Malaga CF is turning the wheel of yin yan particular, while the tie at home against Getafe and the dot is given by "suture", point out to El Madrigal is given by value. All this leads we are, with their losses, just like three weeks ago, ie, 4 points from safety. We drove 90 km / hour, half accurate, while others read Almeria, Sporting, Valencia, go with the typical arreones haste. Run, stop and go back to running. It would not hurt, according to our media to take the next downhill that touches and paste a sprint. Sorry for Almeria, who according to our concept of football Andalusian endemic wish him all the best after the derby. Then we have to climb a little Guadarramou and there can be stepped up to the next stop at the light pinko.

Indeed, only by scientific curiosity, I'm anxious to hear the verdict of the Brazilian (B) estimates. Just to know if we are dumber than a meringue and we paint the Higuain. Remember that Argentina had the floor for six months, going to Chicago for surgery (From a common hernia) and after the operation remains low for six months. Results: The surgical intervention has been successful. Having regard to the standards, unless the patient will die during surgery, any surgery will be successful. Let's see how the successes are the operating rooms of Brazil. We are anxious.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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After Villarreal - Málaga

El Madrigal arrive at Malaga with many important players like Baptista, Duda, Asenjo, Arnau ...

After the poor performance and absenteeism, it would be strange to see this Sunday at home team players as Recio or Portillo. Both of the best I have seen this year in the Rose Garden. And apparently, kids are going to be in charge of getting us out of the well.

One is returning from Malaga Apono after serving his penalty exaggerated filed (3 games) for insulting the referee in the past Valencia - Málaga. The player has stated that it has reflected and will not commit similar errors.

debut in First Knight
'll see the debut of a new goalkeeper this season with Malaga, Willy Caballero will vest due to the inconvenience suffered by Arnau. With this and will five goalkeepers used by the team this year. It is the third time in league history to produce this, the last time was in 1992 when Real Mallorca was forced to have the same number of goalkeepers during the season. Manuel Pellegrini

again that was his home for five years. The Chilean said that it is always nice to Villarreal , and wishes the team all the best of luck on Monday. The alignment will have will be very similar to this: Knight goal, with Manolo, Weligton, Demichelis and Eliseu on defense. Recio, Camacho, Apono and Maresca in the midfield. Rondon and Quincy in the lead.

Weligton know what their punishment on Monday after receiving the interim for 3 consecutive days after the match against Valencia. The Brazilian, could miss two games if the penalty goes ahead, which would not be present to Almeria and Real Madrid.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Template Blog Wrestling

Expansiva Round: Jellyfish boke in Madrid Peña

begin this section parallel to the Shockwave Raul Rentero to know a little closer to the rocks following the team jellyfish from afar.

Interview with Fernando Lopez, treasurer and organizer of events in Madrid Peña Jellyfish boke.

Good morning, Fernando. How did this rock and how did you're at it?
Its beginning dates back to when we play the Uefa Cup, particularly in the games for Leeds, that knowledge that could be televised by British sports channels, we jump, without knowing yet, English Pubs where you could see. So we met and the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a rock jellyfish in capital. Throughout its history there have been many Malaga for her, some passing through Madrid, for study, work etc., But we have a stable core, really, we are responsible for this work. The president is Amaro Torres and board, shape, beside him, Michael Collis, son of English and English, Pablo Sánchez , Carlos Morillo, Jose Villalobos from Malaga and Fernando Lopez, who am I, who served as treasurer and event organizer. As we have strong partners Diego Falcón, José Luis Matos , Curro, Manuel Pérez, José Jorge and we, at present, with one female member named Nuria .
the rock tribute to Antonio Tapia, Valcarce and Sandro
As for me, with sixty-six years back, I am, by far, that of older the rock and from the four years I had the passion for this team, being probably the fan that has followed the club to the length and breadth of the country and in the only opportunity we have provided, internationally, but now with the advent of PPV, and I do much less. Retired Banking and Bachelor of Contemporary History in years, since advanced
The reason to stay in Madrid is due to a sports question and sentimental, he was runner and in 1964, and part of the team went Cross Malaga the championship of Spain to be held in Lasarte and make stops in Madrid, fate made me know that today is my wife and mother of three children.

In this league every time you walk further to the polarization between Barça and Madrid, the rocks of other teams in other cities begin to be an exception. Living in Madrid and be jellyfish not be easy. Do you think that they suffer more in the distance? Or conversely, is an experience that feeling states in jellyfish? Indeed the polarization
Madrid-Barca is tremendous, but here, for obvious reasons, there are many supporters of Atletico Madrid. There are rocks from other teams, although some have none. Being jellyfish and wanting to watch the matches of our team has the difficulty of finding a bar where you commit to putting our play with anyone: Real Madrid, Atletico and Barcelona. But this we have passed and we have always had a bar in which the Manchester was the first. Anecdotally I can tell that sometimes when we sing a goal, people enter and remain puzzled to see that does not correspond to who they think, especially when played at the same time.
As for "feeling in the distance" in that phrase can sum up our feelings, because we do not have the chance to live in this blessed land, you can not imagine how they feel our stuff when you're out, it appears that as love the miles separate the increase in the same proportion.

Do you receive any support from the club? Do they feel recognized, despite being jellyfish in the distance?

received no help from the club, nor have we asked, because, really, We do not need because we fund with shares that pay and the benefit it gives us the Christmas lottery. What it does give us are some tickets to travel to go. Yes we are recognized by the club, mainly by Francisco Martín and José Carlos Pérez Aguilar those who maintain friendship for many years, particularly with the first, and in his time of fan follower, we agreed on many trips.

Do you have a schedule of visits to Malaga following stages? How to organize trips to the games? Do people come to meetings only in the capital of Málaga and its surroundings? Do people come from time to time at the Rose Garden?
displacements we do as a rock, are the fields of capital and the closest, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Alicante, Vitoria, Albacete, Soria, etc., And any other particular level, such as La Rose.

How have lived through important changes that have hit the club this season? What image do you have the Sheikh in Madrid? What do you think of the landing Pellegrini, Antonio Fernández and new signings in the January?
The changes in the club since the summer we lived with great enthusiasm, as a unique opportunity in our history to become a big team in all aspects. The image we have of the Sheikh in Madrid, was first of skepticism, in terms of investment, which was disappearing as they met the reform and the money invested in players and coach. What everyone takes for granted is that in the preparation of the management staff Ferreira was dire and it is thought that it was worth one half or worthless, are paid three, four or five, blaming "foreign "compromises the Portuguese and agents. Pellegrini's arrival went to live with enthusiasm, as the winter transfer window, although some were high risk and specifically one that is in everyone's mind, of the highest. It also influences the hope that the operations would be overseen by Antonio Fernandez, who do not know but that the directors Martin Aguilar and Jose Carlos Perez, men of the house, were to have a control that did not exist.

What about the treatment that the "national media" dispense Malacitano team? Is that right? Enough? Not enough?
national media, as a result of this polarization, pay little attention to other clubs, but the arrival of Sheikh has given us more newsworthy for their project and everything that surrounds him.

What is, according to you, the lousy qualifying Malaga? What percentage attributed to bad luck, planning, etc..? Do you think the project might have been overestimated Malacitano?
The reason for the classification, but no luck has been with us in specific meetings such as Valencia and Athletic, and bad luck with injuries, especially, porters, is due almost entirely to the bad " planning "carried out by Mr. Ferreira, and which has sought to turn the tide in the winter market complicated. The project looks serious and, of course, by the economic contribution has not failed or will fail, but the boundless, childlike confidence and his representative Sheikh Ferreira has ballast.

league Returning to the situation and seeing how is the picture, did we save?
I think so long as they respect us if Pelllegrini injuries and you miss a few players not to play football, one that has been forced by circumstances to align, but the other is to resign and think that when it comes out, and makes it ever since I arrived, is playing with one less. I hope to rectify for good and all of us.

Where do you see the Málaga CF in 5 years?
If we save the season, and doing things with his head in the summer, when drawing up a template, but we will have the work of future contracts until they solve our immediate future, I am optimistic and I want most, like all is that the arrival of Sheikh promises are fulfilled and we can be a great for our football.

What about the blogging initiative as Heart Boquerón jellyfish created by fans and dedicated solely to Málaga CF?
I hope, as I said earlier, this initiative created for you will last a long time, not ever fall into oblivion, certainly not, and Heart Boqueron serves to Malaga and for the jellyfish.

Any words for other fans?
All followers suffered jellyfish ask you not to falter in their efforts, and although they do not play, put all your love in taking this forward and see if, once and for all the joy with us in our hobby. To encourage, to criticize, to clap, to suffer, to cry, to laugh, but never cease to be jellyfish. VIVA MÁLAGA MÁLAGA AND

sincerely appreciate your answers. Meet
more to the Rock Jellyfish boke in Madrid visiting:

Show The Indian Salwarsuit

A skinny dog \u200b\u200b... Corkscrew

And if there's something to be learned from the situation being experienced by the Malaga this season, no doubt is that money is not everything

This morning has been known that in July Baptista suffered a torn medial meniscus in his right knee and will be forced to undergo surgery, so it will be low for about two months.

Baptista, retired last Thursday's workout with discomfort in his knee and the worst fears were confirmed today after she failed the relevant medical evidence.

addition, the medical officer of the club, also Francesc Arnau is included as a novelty. According to Málaga CF, Catalan goalkeeper suffered a blow yesterday in the triceps of his left arm and will definitely travel to Castellon.

From continue this pace of injuries a week, end up being the team players in charge of saving the team this season. Quite a paradox considering that is an overwhelming difference, the year in which Manchester has spent more money on new signings in their history.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Przysłowie : Kto Nie Rad


Raúl Rentero - The shock wave

Ghubn Abdullah, vice president of Malaga CF and right arm of top shareholder Al-Thani, "the Sheikh" as he calls himself Ghubn, granted an interview with Diario As in the present has reviewed the equipment. Time was that we demanded from these waves a public appearance, clear, concise and palliative, to calm tempers. Surely the timing is most appropriate when the steamer more anxiety about the tide. We demanded, it is said, a word, not comfort or optimism, but a surprise attack, a punch on the table. Something like the top of the Great Captain: win or lose, but here we will die.

However, we found a harangues, well measured and studied in advance in the tent, with a dose of positivity policy. We all worry, because nobody thought about it, and the kings of the East more than anyone else, who never imagined being in action II. Now time passes and the fear is palpable reality, the concern of fans is not the new stadium or the "petrocinadores." Has understood the squire again and again insisted on deferring such decisions not to run a smoke screen on the reality qualifying.

however, is rigorous and commentary I am very concerned that the question, first and last one is a follower anchovy, whether Sheikh continue with the project even in the Silver category, the response of "vice" has been somewhat maresquiana. Has put balls away. Have had to spend five questions of the journalist, which has never wanted to contemplate the option of lowering, so that finally, and I shot at close range, has been obliged to face the red demon. What will you do in case of descent? And finally, after much insistence, pulled the neck of the bottle by the cork, Ghubn Abdullah, has been forced to put white on black. We are Málaga managers, so we have to continue whatever happens.

be feeling this blast, but I have sounded the "vice" too convincing. When one would have to get the answer with corkscrew and shaking the bottle, when an effusive evasive and vibrant, when one refuses to accept the reality of a decline for which we are more candidates than anyone else, when one is hidden under a veil of confidence and positivity without even considering the option of sinking, the confidence that one seeks to convey is stuck in the throat as the mucosa of influenza in the process.

The verb "to have "indicates obligation, in this case, reluctantly. It is not the same as saying "if we go down to Second, we must continue", "If we go down to Second, we will continue." More than anything because, reading between the lines, I think I hear a sigh with their respective "What choice we have." Fortunately, the Castilian romance Ghubn not enough for shades. Hopefully this is only a bad translation. For the sake of the entity.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sean Connery Workout For James Bond

More hits, more Catenaccio

Luso Malaga midfielder Sergio Paulo Barbosa (Duda) will be out for a month due to a fracture has been detected on the side. The player is already lost the match against Sevilla due to this injury.

In the morning went on all alarms when Recio, key currently in the middle of the field (who would say) the current Málaga could not get to train due to a muscle strain that should not cause major problems to the young talent.

Asenjo With the injury, Malaga has been forced to sign off period to another goalkeeper. The choice has been (as we read in the blog blankiazul ) Argentina Willy Knight, keeper of 29 years to this day belonged to Elche and has already been tried on several occasions by the team costasoleño.

If Knight debuts with the team this season, will and five goalkeepers who have used the Manchester since the championship began. Without doubt, this statistic reflects the poor initial planning.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Versİon 1.011 Mount & Blade Serİal Number

injury to

The blast, by Raul Rentero
Cerrojazo in Nervión. The alarms are triggered. Contributors, columnists and opportunistic many cry out to heaven for the trick. Which if not brought Pellegrini for this. That if these players reach more than enough to carry the handle of a meeting. That if the millionaire Sheikh is not worthy of such a proceeding. We will not here in the methodology solfa Chilean coach. We said at the time and is now truer than ever: probably Pellegrini was not the best coach to remove a patient from the ICU. The method is long-haul Engineer and sent here emergencies over aesthetics. Malaga CF is what it is and its location in the table is what we see in the central leaves of the newspapers. And before that, and exceeding goals and beets from the side boards, there was no other.

is true, and it is said, that this might not have brought the coach in South America. If at the end we are going to entrust a catenaccio to costasoleña, would have been better to hire an expert in such duties. Still, it strikes a blow in favor of Mr., who last week confessed be more lost than a tuna in Bermuda. A week later showed that, despite the belief, prefer not to die with them. Of brave, you know, is the cemetery full. We'll see if, as is the courtyard, the Chilean dare to draw the same approach in the next match against Getafe the Rose Garden. If we decide to take the path of the sibilant, at least they recognize us as such.

In fact it was important not to point out the Pizjuán with a corkscrew. The important, indeed, is the feat of maintaining virginity, so long and so often tainted, compared with both loving villain lurking in the grass Sevilla. Of all the signings made by the club's most reliable seems Demichelis, no doubt. And that that the Seville, it is fair to the lime on the sand, seems to have fallen eight years. Also said in other waves: it is difficult and sometimes impossible, to understand the complex concept of being among the greats. One might ask, for those who have temptations of exchange, if we would prefer to have as coach Gregorio Manzano, coach, on the other hand, one for whom I have special fondness but I've found in the northern Sevilla lost and cupping wings over the nest .

So we shall have to good crops, which seems to throw off a few years and puts antiojeras some insomnia. Serve this latest mantra to get the palms by Sergio Asenjo, whose bad luck seems to have no limits. From this shock wave we have stoked occasional slap; recriminábamos, a couple of weeks, we expected from him a helping hand that would have allowed to score in Mestalla. I said, let bygones be bygones. Although we sum for eight months. If you thought the last two Palencia was the keeper of the project now can not fail to be. As part of the battle, and in return, he scored a plus next to the note, that even with a shattered knee, made the effort to stand up to collect a ball that could have become 1-0. Sometimes actions become more common exploits. Bravo for him. We wait.

PS One last word for the header ends of Weli-Gt, after which he whistled the mother heard the Palop. Let us not be confused with that of bad luck or fate compensation for past wrongs, read Javi Martinez. The aim is not just luck.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Student Initiationsmovies

costasoleña Good news and bad news Málaga Win-win

Chronicle: Sevilla 0-0
Malaga The Malaga managed to get a point of showing a wide Sánchez Pizjuán waste of concentration and defensive order.

is because the defenses prevailed in the afternoon. In any the time, Sevilla took the handle of the meeting and waited Pellegrini opportunities on the counterattack. It seems that we have finally found the key: We are not yet a big team, and therefore can not try to play as such. If there is to be enclosed behind to maintain equality and choices made.

Maresca cheered out of the Sanchez Pizjuan.
(Photo: La Opinión de Málaga)

than a few obstacles that have been found in the match Espanyol. In the heating Certainly could not go and fell off the starting line. In their place came Fernando, undoubtedly the worst in the afternoon.

party begins and within minutes Sergio Asenjo was injured when he stepped wrong. It appears from his right knee which was operated for just under a year.

Nursing continues its overbooking particular. At the moment, and if the injury is serious Asenjo as it seems, Pellegrini only have a keeper: Arnau, who retires in June of active football . Should be encouraging, provided that the goalkeeper Palencia remains absent a long period, to enable the register Málaga another goalkeeper despite having finished the winter market.

highlight the good performance of the two central jellyfish, stopping Luis Fabiano, Kanoute and a relentlessly Negredo. Definitely, the pair Weligton-Demichelis is the ideal partner stoppers this year's Chilean coach.

Eliseu was the whole game at left back and played efficiently. Like Camacho and Recio in the midfield. We could see a Maresca is not well physically and Fernando only served to make up filling the gap left by Duda.
throughout the game suffered a marking or fixed by Alexis and Fazio only allowed to have clear chances. But in the first half was about to overtake his team after an assist from Salomon Rondon.

The second half of play was a monologue after the entry Sevilla especially Kanoute, who made Perotti (hitherto unpublished) came with more holes Malacitana area. Although Manzano failed early lead and tables remained inert until the final whistle.

The Manchester continues to occupy the last place in the standings with 4 points of salvation. The next round against Getafe will be essential to make good this tie with a victory.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Painkillers Before Wax

Preview: Sevilla - Málaga
The morning visit Malaga Estadio Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan as red lantern 3 points classification and ranked second last (Almeria) after the results have been in the day Sandro Silva

today and Demichelis are new in the call for Manuel Pellegrini. Duda, who has been questioned (pun intended) until the last minute, travel with the team although it is possible that the match starts with him on the bench. The Luso, suffered in the Zaragoza game against a strong blow on the side that has caused severe pain during this week have not allowed him to train as normal during the week.

Kris and Helder Rosario stay out through injury. They join the injured and Rubén Gámez. Juanmi, did not make the call because he was called to participate with the English U-18.

The 19 invited (for lack of a discard last minute) are: Arnau, Weligton, Demichelis, Baptista, Fernando, Seba Fernandez, Sergio Asenjo, Malagueño, Maresca, Duda, Eliseu, Mtiliga, M. Gaspar, Quincy, S. Silva Rondon Camacho, Portillo and Recio. The

starting line tomorrow could be something like: Asenjo sticks, with Manolo, Weligton, Demichelis, Mtiliga on defense. Recio, Maresca, Camacho (or Doubt) and Eliseu in midfield. Baptista and Rondon above.

Maresca, Baptista and certainly faces his former team. As Alexis Ruano, Sevilla Malacitana raised in the quarry.

The match will be refereed by peer Muñiz Fernández.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Foto Mucus Egg Soiled Underwear

Looking a diagnosis

  • Just having exceeded half of the league championship, Malaga has 17 points to his credit and is last in the table 4 points and of salvation.
  • There are several players important long-term injuries, like Jesus or the goalkeeper Rubén Gámez. We also have several low penalties such as Apono or Weligton.
  • The team is not all together due to the numerous additions have been made recently. We
well thickened with a list of reasons that could justify the current sporting situation that makes us hang on and the sign "Carne de Segunda" in much of the country.

However, the patient made oscultar, we find a subjective data is most likely the main cause of the problem:
  • The environment costumes.
Everyone knows that the team has nothing to do with last year. Valga simply compare the starting XI last weekend with some of those who lined (who was going to tell us) now missed Juan Ramon Muniz.

If we see a party of Malaga, we can clearly see how the players do not have a team attitude. There are a pineapple, do not have a joint mindset in the cause, yet. We'll see how he manages "The Engineer" to mitigate this evil.

The irregularity in the game, defensive insecurity pieces and the local team's weakness, are other defects to be away from now.

With the antidote on hand, just need to implement it. If we can, using guinea pig to Sevilla. Yes, Pellegrini friend, you worry because the constant use of this drug may have several contraindications such as a high rise put on the table or changes in the general mood of concern from the euphoria and self-confidence.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Chat In Tdu Online

The Andalusian football endemic

The blast, by Raul Rentero
Party horns burnt for Málaga CF in Pizjuán. Sevilla, who had to wait at the stop "in case the Cup" as prepared by the Andalusian derby with the intention of forgetting the bite merengue. There will be "painted faces" or proclaim in Portuguese. Maybe they're thinking warm up the crowd with some panfletillo on "Qatar" as the vernacular but does not give us both, shall be in a skillet and fried food analysis, with the appellant: "Now it's time to focus on the league."

does not touch as it is a jellyfish column but I can not resist to expose a virtual pen feeling overwhelms me for years. I get the impression that football has lost Andalusian the breath of strife. I'm surprised to find both Betis and Sevilla in the blogs of Málaga "unnerved" with vulgar comments. "With Sheikh and Second" read the other day by these networks in a post-it by a certain "sevillistahastalamuerte." Sometimes it seems to be wasted on looking sideways forces, or openly, the neighbor with problems as well off we are proud of our position. To the extent that, to succeed the Andalusian team, as it has been doing to Sevilla in the last years, it seems necessary, as the first halt of the road, that Betis Recreativo, Malaga, Almeria ... walk on the rack.

I find distasteful, if not irrelevant, that the regional rivalry, far from clarified in the direct matches, they lead to the end of a League or a Cup Sevilla will always be greater with Betis First. Same as always will Malaga with Seville and UEFA Cup champions the way it is. I plead not far from regional corporatism to pretend does not exist but the team of Del Nido enzarce in cockfights against MouTeam and its supporters, while on the other hand you want the Job evil neighbors, seems to me a little out of sanity.

few years ago, as I am from San Sebastian, Real Sociedad Xabi Alonso, Nihat and Denoueix League was played in the final game against the last Madrid Del Bosque. Twist of fate. It was necessary that Madrid lost at home to Athletic Bilbao and Real won that in his Atletico. There were no circumstances. Worse, of course, because that ended in celebration merengue booklet absurdity of Del Bosque and his change of cards with Queiroz. But everyone knew that San Sebastian Bilbao went with Real to death and, despite losing, Ronaldo and Zidane through, the lions had left the tail Hoposa for trying to win in the Bernabeu. And the parish was grateful txuriurdin.

Could say same Malaga, Betis, Sevilla, Almeria ...?

Maybe so, but from the distance of this shock wave, not what it seems. It's like Caesar's wife. It may be honest, but it is also necessary to look.

Bubble Tip Throwing Up


Almería February 3, 2011


"The data are not of the administration, are citizens" and the new technologies we must put the house to blow mouse, the program that includes national, regional and local levels.

As I said to the inhabitants of the capital, I'm Laura Romera R-Carretero, and I stand by UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia) for mayor of Almeria was a citizen criticism from the couch and now I must be from the podium and inform citizens that we must be even more critical and informed in this regard I would like to share with all the travel experience for our municipal budgets.

few days ago the City Council presented the budgets for the city and drum, and cymbal we have reported a reduction in the budget at just under 40 million, although data published the number that comes out is just under 25 (income and expenditure 2010 = 200.75 million, income and expenses 2011 = 175.86 million, 24.89 million difference).

In any case I encourage all citizens to throw them a look, well that if they can because the budgets of our council have been exposed to the public for 15 days on paper thousands of pages that are not presented in summary form in the bulletin board for our City Council have no one (that I was told by an officer when I went to see them) after pacing the premises of Finance of the City and ask in various offices (some of them empty and others with no kindly staff We provide answers) We attended a very friendly staff who showed us the budget in two drawers and told us that we could not stop looking at him and tell him that he needed copies, that we would. Naive of me went with a flash drive in the era of technology!

Thank God, he gave us copies Venzal graphic formats (copies on your computer) but for viewing, analysis impossible if it is not editable format (spreadsheet or similar) to this end recall a the first laws that the British Conservative Prime Minister has established, it is the British government issued the budgets and any information editable digital formats, this spirit in relation to information and citizens called "Open Government" and what we advocate in Unión Progreso y Democracia since our founding "the data are not of the administration, are citizens" and the New technologies should put the home with a mouse, our program that includes national, regional and local levels. Well

our council could take the spirit of his namesake in Britain and the budgets allow us to see all Almeria without having to wander through the municipal, confessing at each chapel / office to see open for a good man to us on paper (computer) and not likely minimal analysis.

In any case, finally, some interesting data on the budgets of Almería, without being exhaustive denote the spirit of Mr. Rodríguez Comendador on this element of management in public administration major.

a) personal budget mill.Realmente 53.94 last year spent more than 56 million, for 2011 we expect to spend 52.5 M. (3.5 million), if last year we spent nearly 2 million more than budgeted, as he thinks the mayor do this. It is as if one day you make the purchase with 50 euros and you have to go to the cashier to get 5 more because you have failed, and the next day to make the same purchase, rather than choose to take 50 take 45, you will almost certainly have to go to the bank for 10 you are missing.

b) lease (rental car) last year paid € 50,000 and this year we plan to spend 93,000 euros, 43,000 euros more, if we add to this that maintenance of transportation spend 125,000 euros and we plan to spend this year 100,000. Mr. Venzal accounts suggesting that we had saved 60,000 euros, me is going to have to explain better, to me what I get is we're going to spend 43,000 euros more in rent and maintenance cars will be equal to last year (or at least that says in its budget but Venzal otherwise stated in the press).

c) With respect to the electric power spent our council, I do not know what to think, if in 2009 we budgeted 2.85 mill. and we actually spend more than 6.5 million (according to the budget of Sr, Rodríguez Comendador) why we budgeted for 2011 2.85 mill. with this only fatten the bank debt, do not understand that Rajoy congratulate Mr. Rodríguez Comendador for good management, we will if we have to send a number of books "El Rubio" and a new calculator.

d) and interest on late such that one bank charges for not paying on time and leave exposed accounts, last year we paid approximately € 332,000 and this year we plan to spend € 116,000, if not laudable goal because last year we planned to spend € 196,000 and actually spend 332,000 euros. Mr. Commander, managing money is not paid on policies in the open or late payments, manage well, it does not cause these costs to the City, tell Mr. Rajoy.

Finally a positive note, we have spent significant amounts of money on social benefits, landscaping, law of dependency. ..., Our heartfelt congratulations to the City Council meets the social function of helping the disadvantaged and improve our environment, it's unfortunate that we do all this without a budget, so will we pay bank loans Almería citizens in future years. One of the most praised for its management in these 8 years has been the beautification of the city, the merit goes to the PP and we will pay you to UPD when governing mayor, Mr Commander is not serious, is not seriously.

This is not just with the budget, I hope to continue to report and analyze the document that governs what we will be in the coming years. If a neighbor has a right to want to know something about budgets or any other issue, please contact us by phone 633 686 847 mail: cl.almeria @ In my Facebook Laura Romera R-Carter, all of which make up the team UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia) will gladly serve them. Juan Moreno

Area Almería Press and Communications Tel: 651677487

Jose Luis Raya local Coordinator

Almería Tel 670991244 E-mail:
Laura R-
Romera Carter Candidate for mayor of Almeria
Upyd Tel 615930880 E-mail-cl.almeria @
José Sánchez Caparrós Tel 617525771 E-mail: @
This news can also be found at:
Facebook: Facebook
Upyd Almería: Laura R-Carretero, Upyd for mayor of Almería
Facebook: Laura Romera R-Carretero

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gums Sore Days Extraction

Mr. Rodriguez COMENDADOR

Almería February 2, 2011

According read our mayor in his monologue on the state of the city, the period before his government was the paradigm of slippage, improvisation and the absence of stringent criteria; UPD indicates that in the same period we will have to call the quintessence of negligence, manslaughter and receiving bad finished works

Since UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia) indicated that although Mr. Rodríguez Comendador not, do not discover anything new when we say that when a citizen is to create a work must meet the regulations will not apply, and if the set (the price agreed with the contractor) and then decide not part of the set, the contractor deducts it has not done or you change it to work if you have made.

Jose Luis Raya, local coordinator in Almería, says UPD takes many months denouncing the irresponsibility the failure to monitor the works undertaken by the council, and indicates that many works have been impaired but that the installation of new power lines, is particularly serious.
As indicated by the Coordinator of UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia), it is the installation of electricity lines that according to regulations are to go to a certain depth (40, 60 or 80 cm below ground level), which must be secured and protected by concrete, which are covered by gravel, etc. ... have been performed by placing the pipe just below the flagstones of the sidewalk or within inches of the ground level, as shown in several photos attached, made in four works are being undertaken in Almeria. Indicates

close enough in the vicinity of the work to find these weaknesses are manifest in the round at the junction with the road Nijar in the works of attack of the local police headquarters, at the roundabout under ore bridge, etc. In all of them and many others, the pipeline is standing a few inches above the ground or just below the tiles of the sidewalk, absent zahora and concrete is a luxury item.

According to the Coordinator of UPD in Almeria, this means that the company doing the work it saves excavation, gravel and concrete, as little, and asked Mr. Rodríguez Comendador, if this is what the council has granted (we will work out cheaper) or has been changed by other things that have been made outside the project, and requests the Mayor to explain to citizens where the money or where the work performed and not budgeted. According

said UPD Coordinator, "Money is like energy, are never lost, energy and money becomes pocket change." In any case, said Jose Luis Raya, would have to see if these changes to the project mean that the work is legal, illegal, legalized (changing how badly done) or simply outlawed.

The Coordinator of UPD in Almeria hoped that Mr. Rodríguez Comendador answer the question asked any resident of this town on this issue: the money than not carried out, where is it? And if you do do you think it works that may not be legalized?

Jose Luis Raya, coordinator of UPD has insisted that the number of works that the PP with Gial has done in his 8 years of government can be very negative if then we have to repair or adapt to legalize all.

José Luis de la Cruz Raya
local Coordinator in Almeria
Juan Moreno Tel: 670991244 Tel: 651677487
Press E.mail:
This news can also be found at: / andalucia / almeria

How Long After Waxing Can You Fake Tan

Without reinforcements last minute with an introduction karmic

The Málaga finally did not side with the services of Spaniard Jose Angel after failing fruitful negotiations between the Sporting and the Andalusian club. Therefore, players who saved the club from relegation are there not more to come.
Malaga will
The final output of the team has led the Portuguese Edinho, which counted for Pellegrini and will defend the colors of June Maritime Portuguese. Club to be launched on loan. Edinho, along with Baha , the second striker to leave the club this January. Leaving the template with the rams Rondón, Baptista, Sebastian and the squad Juanmi. Is covered with this position. Low

Sevilla If there is something that has paid little attention to the game against Zaragoza is injury Jesus Gamez, who suffered a collision with another player jellyfish and suffers a broken jaw. Be about 30 days off. A month, counting the period of physical recovery, it could become almost two months without being available one of the cornerstones of the defense-white.

change in attitude. A key
The team that played against Zaragoza passivity and carelessness reflected in many sections of the party. Without doubt, to escape the burning it is important not concentration in the 90-minute duration of the match and left the skin on every play as if everything depended on it. Hopefully Pellegrini inject an extra motivation this week on players not to be repeated some scenes in the game that we saw last Saturday. Mtiliga

claimed his place
was, in my opinion, the only one saved. Showed claw in defense and attack and gave assistance Duda goal. Furthermore, it is increasingly difficult to view Danish failures in their game.