Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bubble Tip Throwing Up


Almería February 3, 2011


"The data are not of the administration, are citizens" and the new technologies we must put the house to blow mouse, the program that includes national, regional and local levels.

As I said to the inhabitants of the capital, I'm Laura Romera R-Carretero, and I stand by UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia) for mayor of Almeria was a citizen criticism from the couch and now I must be from the podium and inform citizens that we must be even more critical and informed in this regard I would like to share with all the travel experience for our municipal budgets.

few days ago the City Council presented the budgets for the city and drum, and cymbal we have reported a reduction in the budget at just under 40 million, although data published the number that comes out is just under 25 (income and expenditure 2010 = 200.75 million, income and expenses 2011 = 175.86 million, 24.89 million difference).

In any case I encourage all citizens to throw them a look, well that if they can because the budgets of our council have been exposed to the public for 15 days on paper thousands of pages that are not presented in summary form in the bulletin board for our City Council have no one (that I was told by an officer when I went to see them) after pacing the premises of Finance of the City and ask in various offices (some of them empty and others with no kindly staff We provide answers) We attended a very friendly staff who showed us the budget in two drawers and told us that we could not stop looking at him and tell him that he needed copies, that we would. Naive of me went with a flash drive in the era of technology!

Thank God, he gave us copies Venzal graphic formats (copies on your computer) but for viewing, analysis impossible if it is not editable format (spreadsheet or similar) to this end recall a the first laws that the British Conservative Prime Minister has established, it is the British government issued the budgets and any information editable digital formats, this spirit in relation to information and citizens called "Open Government" and what we advocate in Unión Progreso y Democracia since our founding "the data are not of the administration, are citizens" and the New technologies should put the home with a mouse, our program that includes national, regional and local levels. Well

our council could take the spirit of his namesake in Britain and the budgets allow us to see all Almeria without having to wander through the municipal, confessing at each chapel / office to see open for a good man to us on paper (computer) and not likely minimal analysis.

In any case, finally, some interesting data on the budgets of Almería, without being exhaustive denote the spirit of Mr. Rodríguez Comendador on this element of management in public administration major.

a) personal budget mill.Realmente 53.94 last year spent more than 56 million, for 2011 we expect to spend 52.5 M. (3.5 million), if last year we spent nearly 2 million more than budgeted, as he thinks the mayor do this. It is as if one day you make the purchase with 50 euros and you have to go to the cashier to get 5 more because you have failed, and the next day to make the same purchase, rather than choose to take 50 take 45, you will almost certainly have to go to the bank for 10 you are missing.

b) lease (rental car) last year paid € 50,000 and this year we plan to spend 93,000 euros, 43,000 euros more, if we add to this that maintenance of transportation spend 125,000 euros and we plan to spend this year 100,000. Mr. Venzal accounts suggesting that we had saved 60,000 euros, me is going to have to explain better, to me what I get is we're going to spend 43,000 euros more in rent and maintenance cars will be equal to last year (or at least that says in its budget but Venzal otherwise stated in the press).

c) With respect to the electric power spent our council, I do not know what to think, if in 2009 we budgeted 2.85 mill. and we actually spend more than 6.5 million (according to the budget of Sr, Rodríguez Comendador) why we budgeted for 2011 2.85 mill. with this only fatten the bank debt, do not understand that Rajoy congratulate Mr. Rodríguez Comendador for good management, we will if we have to send a number of books "El Rubio" and a new calculator.

d) and interest on late such that one bank charges for not paying on time and leave exposed accounts, last year we paid approximately € 332,000 and this year we plan to spend € 116,000, if not laudable goal because last year we planned to spend € 196,000 and actually spend 332,000 euros. Mr. Commander, managing money is not paid on policies in the open or late payments, manage well, it does not cause these costs to the City, tell Mr. Rajoy.

Finally a positive note, we have spent significant amounts of money on social benefits, landscaping, law of dependency. ..., Our heartfelt congratulations to the City Council meets the social function of helping the disadvantaged and improve our environment, it's unfortunate that we do all this without a budget, so will we pay bank loans Almería citizens in future years. One of the most praised for its management in these 8 years has been the beautification of the city, the merit goes to the PP and we will pay you to UPD when governing mayor, Mr Commander is not serious, is not seriously.

This is not just with the budget, I hope to continue to report and analyze the document that governs what we will be in the coming years. If a neighbor has a right to want to know something about budgets or any other issue, please contact us by phone 633 686 847 mail: cl.almeria @ In my Facebook Laura Romera R-Carter, all of which make up the team UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia) will gladly serve them. Juan Moreno

Area Almería Press and Communications Tel: 651677487

Jose Luis Raya local Coordinator

Almería Tel 670991244 E-mail:
Laura R-
Romera Carter Candidate for mayor of Almeria
Upyd Tel 615930880 E-mail-cl.almeria @
José Sánchez Caparrós Tel 617525771 E-mail: @
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Upyd Almería: Laura R-Carretero, Upyd for mayor of Almería
Facebook: Laura Romera R-Carretero


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