Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tech Deck Live Skate Park Game




If at the beginning of last century and in full force of the two great economic and social philosophies, the parties were displaying these and their belief to them, today everything is relativism and semantics, in this context arises UPD as the party of ideas, not ideology.

Often citizens wonder if this or that party is right or left, the fact is that this is reminiscent of the last century in which the parties were essentially ideological, good matches could also be nationalists.

In early twentieth century, the political discussions focused on the ideological field, the two major economic theories of capitalism and socialism were in conflict and the theoretical arguments of socialism was answered by capitalism based on practical attitudes (lack of freedom, lower levels of development, etc ...) in terms of capitalism that showed his achievements as the gymnast who shows Bicet before a mirror, had to justify or distribute its achievements to avoid being criticized by the opposing party.

In this situation we have gone to games in which ideology has become a suit, a good waterproof suit that hides more than it shows, just so you can understand that Mrs Merkel, German chancellor positions with a Democrat who program, which essentially is like a social-democratic program, wins the German elections, or that parties such as Democratic Constitutional Rally (RCD) and the National Democratic Party, the first belonging to the deposed Zine el Abidine Ben Ali (president of Tunisia ) and the second to Hosni Mubarak (deposed as president of Egypt) have been sitting in the "international socialist, "or that our president with a socialist program to parliament has been distinctly capitalist laws and defense of banking laws contrary to the purchasing power of pensioners and workers, laws that cut workers' acquired rights or freedoms that reduce public or freedom of expression.

Oh and everything can not be a semantic problem (a form of speech that must be corrected or perpetuate, as we see it), not relative (such as our traditional politicians would have us believe), is a real problem, which affects real people. and that is changing, "WELFARE STATE" on the other so-called "statement of capital" and the ratios of education, health, culture, etc for other less common name, GDP, public debt, stock index, interbank, bonus malus, etc.

In this context the ideological games before have gone on to become party product, and the citizens has gone from being subject to which we had to improve their living conditions, a subject needed to remain in power, and therefore rather to raise their health, nutrition, housing, cultural, social, etc, the parties must meet their immediate needs and if possible to reduce the less expensive the better for all, good for all of them (traditional politicians) , clear, hence it is banning the snuff that sick lungs, but not ban the reality shows that sick mind, here comes good and bad sporting achievements educational attainment (more expensive and effort demanding citizens) In the Commission here is uncontrolled and poorly planned work.

In this context, born UPD (Unión Progreso y Democracia), which he wrote as a companion is neither right nor left, could be explained graphically as follows:

In any case, the first thing I would stress is that not born nor left nor right, neither has a sign, a mark that requires him to vote for the PSOE or PP, or any other party, are citizens required every four years to decide who or what to bring together the efforts of all (the will, taxes, power, media ...) to ensure that citizens live better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.

freedom in this context we will participate our ideas and convince people we can and will change the system, we are not "them" who are "others" are a group of you who have stepped to change the political model, to remove politics and its practitioners, (the exercise) the privilege has been granted, the irresponsibility with which they can act, the impunity that has been invested, the demagoguery of which boast.

We are the party that can and wants politicians to retire with the same conditions as the rest of the English, the party that wants the mandates of politicians do not exceed in 8 years, that education and health to be back national (because the system is giving the worst generations formed), that prosecutors are not a puppet government that journalists are free (not subject to public or subsidized publishing.)

We are the party that wants to give back confidence in the institutions (because they seek the common good and not close to a one-click), the confidence in civil servants (because they must be responsible and capable, and subject to liability), which seeks trust as a basis for relations between citizens and these with the public and private institutions, which is not going to say " must make difficult decisions "when they only affect you, only affect the most sensitive to the most needy are the party who will not consent to destroy" the welfare state "and establishing" State Capital " , we are neither right nor left, we are Liberals, we are the tide magenta. Juan Moreno

Tel 651677487
Press Area Press and Communication Almeria

This news can also be found on Facebook
; Laura Romera
Rguez-Carretero Facebook: grouping UPyD almeria

Other information listed in : / an
Laura Romera R-Carter, Candidate for Mayor Tel 633 68 68 47 cl.almeria @
Jose Luis Raya, local coordinator and spokesperson Upyd Almeria raya.joseluis @ Tel: 670991244


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