Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nail Growth After Excessive Biting


Almería OPINION March 10, 2011


logical thing when it comes to poverty, is related to the material and no doubt is the main condition, sometimes however be closely derived from economically poor society that is poor in cultural, social or intellectual, the other day released the film "A free 18 pesetas" and it appeared an immortal phrase "in Spain we are always crisis ", and is surely right: we have a clear economic crisis and historical even though it has intensified and relaxed in recent years, and our perception of it is derived from our cash compared with surrounding countries, but we have a crisis more hidden, hidden because nobody wants to do a comparison and analysis in conduct relating to our social, intellectual, or civic, etc.. ....

In the latter the author of the film referred to above is echoed in the party when he says "the return was worse than described in the film, the first thing I saw was two dogs that had been attached copulating, and as a group of children killed them with sticks. " In this sense, I always thought English that we should have lost "The Mutiny Esquilache" certainly we would have been better.
is therefore in material poverty, English society is no different from the rest of Europe, but our GDP is lower and middle income level too low, wages are lower and the cafe.

On both sides of the Pyrenees, that they call "thinking" has led us, after the fall of the wall, an uncritical admiration for the financial world, the idea that economic growth is based on the deregulation of markets, and can be infinite. All this with almost absolute contempt by the public, the personification of that disdain politicians, followed by staff (elevated to the category of privileged workers), running even with villanización (including physical attacks and in Spain, almost justified by mass) of teachers police, doctors and nurses (read all as gender and not sex). Across Europe we have an obsession with wealth, we "celebritis" to those who possess superlative degree and justify the immorality in favor of getting it, considering the public service, public service, public services alone worthy of privatization or euthanasia. But

if in general all agree that "thinking", in Spain the situation is getting worse. On the one hand because we have lower coverage and lower social economic level, we have lower wages and lower income "per capita", which in times of crisis hurt our relative. Add to that our original sin, that which prevents us from acting in a punitive manner, not only against public officials who pervert the purpose of social policy, but also the rest of the citizens who were uncivilized behavior and contrary to the rules set .

We've all heard, as if it were an urban legend that a fellow resident outside our borders, pressured by the smell and forgetting to take out the trash bag out of hours, and surprisingly we all heard a neighbor called police, who appear at the offender's home and delivers a fine English who knows you can not stop paying but a litany blaspheme against it. But in the old Hispania and public servants are questioned when they pervert responsible for their own benefit or theirs, not the citizens feel the need to report violators.

In Spain on one side, it seems that citizens have a positive empathy defect, ie, we can understand, understand and even justify the attitude charges in power when they act for personal gain or a "lobby" and thus justify the practicing politicians fail in their duty because "then they would lose votes" or abuse their position by obtaining for himself and his public benefits because "you would do the same" or apologize institutionalized corruption with "all are equal."

And another is, perhaps because of our history, interspersed with repressive dictatorships, or by the Holy Inquisition, which is frowned upon or is inappropriate, like a social taboo, the complaint among citizens, and if we add to this that for faults and even small offenses except the traffic, those setting up or are having breakfast or do not have listed, we have a Spain-prone and accustomed to will, to waste, the dock, injustice, abuse, the lawlessness, despotism, to Mayor, caciqueo, and so many and so many qualifiers that brilliantly illustrate Tolstoy's phrase "no conditions of life which a man can not get used to, especially if you see around all the accepted" (Anna Karenina)

Rguez-Carretero Laura Romera candidate for mayor of Almeria
Upyd Tel 633 68 68 47 cl.almeria @

local coordinator José Luis Raya in Almería Tel 670991244
E-mail: Juan Moreno Press

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